Robert Proch – Crossing the Line – Wunderkammern – Roma

pallino2016Robert Proch – Crossing the Line – Wunderkammern – Roma
16 aprile 2016

La galleria Wunderkammern di Roma ti invita all’opening della mostra Crossing the Line, prima personale in Italia dell’artista polacco Robert Proch.

SAVE THE DATE: sabato 16 aprile; 19:00-22:00. Wunderkammern Roma Via Gabrio Serbelloni 124, Roma.

Wunderkammern gallery in Rome invites you to the opening of the first solo show in Italy by Polish artist Robert Proch.

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 16th April; 7-10 pm. Wunderkammern Rome Via Gabrio Serbelloni 124, Rome.

Sull’artista e la mostra:

prochRobert Proch (nato nel 1986 in Bydgoszcz, Polonia) è senza dubbio uno dei talenti più promettenti della scena emergente d’arte contemporanea polacca. Diplomato all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Poznan, città dove vive e lavora, ha già esposto con mostre personali in importanti gallerie d’arte, come Lazarides (Londra, 2014), Openspace (Parigi, 2013 e nel 2015 al Bastille Design Center) e The Outsiders (Newcastle, 2012). Proch ha anche partecipato a mostre collettive presso il Puteaux City Hall (Puteaux, Francia, 2014), Whitewalls (San Francisco, 2013), e Thinkspace (Los Angeles, 2012).

L’arte di Robert Proch è un esperimento dell’immaginazione. L’artista crea impressionanti visioni a metà strada tra astrazione e figurazione. Trae ispirazione dagli eventi quotidiani e dall’ambiente urbano, che riduce ai loro elementi essenziali per creare una visione geometrica in cui la figura umana è sospesa in un mondo complesso e frammentato. La moderna condizione umana, l’inerzia e la libertà sono i concetti che verranno esplorati in “Crossing the Line”, prima mostra di Robert Proch in Italia. L’artistapresenterà nuove opere su tela e disegni, creati appositamente per la mostra a Wunderkammern.

About the artist and the exhibition:

Robert Proch (born in 1986 in Bydgoszcz, Poland) is undoubtedly one the most promising talents of the emerging Polish contemporary art scene. With a degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, city where he lives and works, he has already exhibited with solo shows in key art galleries such as Lazarides (London, 2014), Openspace (Paris, 2013 and in 2015 at the Bastille Design Center) and The Outsiders (Newcastle, 2012). Proch has also participated in group shows at the Puteaux City Hall gallery (Puteaux, France, 2014), Whitewalls (San Francisco, 2013), and Thinkspace (Los Angeles, 2012).

The art of Robert Proch is an experiment of the imagination. He creates impressive visions, half-way between abstraction and figuration. The artist draws inspiration from daily life events and the urban environment that he reduces to their essential elements to create a geometric vision in which the human figure is suspended in a complex and fragmented world. Modern human condition, inaction and freedom are the concepts that will be explored in “Crossing the Line”, first exhibition by Robert Proch in Italy. The artist will present new artworks on canvas and drawings, all created specifically for the show at Wunderkammern.

Wunderkammern Gallery:

Wunderkammern Roma:
via Gabrio Serbelloni 124
00176 Roma, Italy

(+39) 06 45435662

Wunderkammern Milano:
via Ausonio 1A
20123 Milano, Italy